I appear to be VERY busy, if you review my page... you'll notice.... coincidences and hidden meanings... interlocking logic and complex devices driving my artistry, it speaks for itself though. Where does it come from? Me twisting somethings arounds my fingers on the keyboard, predominantly, a trick I spontaneously uncovered talking rubbish on a site where you talk rubbish, unless your banned. They're ban happy there, it's a nonsense website TBH. But good for writing, as I was just that loose I remember when I learnt some sort of trick. And it's like, perhaps, a fractal, and I learn over time that it creates meanings between my intention, so I go from A to B but there's a 0.5 dead on, a meaning, that I breezed over - there. It clear view, and knowing this, you learn some things are possible, because they simply occur to you, in your actions.